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TEXAS ALL LINES ADJUSTER ACTUAL EXAM WITH QUESTIONS AND WELL DETAILED ANSWERS [GRADED A+] All of the following are criteria for an accident to have occurred

TEXAS ALL LINES ADJUSTER ACTUAL EXAM  WITH QUESTIONS AND WELL DETAILED  ANSWERS [GRADED A+] All of the following are criteria for an accident to have occurred

All of the following are criteria for an accident to have occurred "in the course of"
the employment under a workers' compensation policy, EXCEPT: - CORRECT
ANSWER-While performing a task that a fellow worker requested, that was unusual
to the employee's job description, but occurred on the employer's premises
during working hours.
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE regarding the implied warranties of
an Ocean Marine policy? - CORRECT ANSWER-The implied warranties are attached
to the policy as an endorsement..
Parmelia is covered under two separate standardized Personal Automobile
policies, with Part C limits under both policies set at $200,000. Parmelia is
involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist and she sustains bodily injury
damages for $262,320. How much will Parmelia receive when she submits a claim
for these damages - CORRECT ANSWER-$200,000
Which of the following endorsements must be attached to a standard
Businessowners policy for coverage to apply to a businesses freezer that was
damaged by the interruption of a power source - CORRECT ANSWER-Utility
Services - Direct Damage endorsement.
After completing an inspection of an insured's pres
All of the following are criteria for an accident to have occurred "in the course of"
the employment under a workers' compensation policy, EXCEPT: - CORRECT
ANSWER-While performing a task that a fellow worker requested, that was unusual
to the employee's job description, but occurred on the employer's premises
during working hours.
Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE regarding the implied warranties of
an Ocean Marine policy? - CORRECT ANSWER-The implied warranties are attached
to the policy as an endorsement..
Parmelia is covered under two separate standardized Personal Automobile
policies, with Part C limits under both policies set at $200,000. Parmelia is
involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist and she sustains bodily injury
damages for $262,320. How much will Parmelia receive when she submits a claim
for these damages - CORRECT ANSWER-$200,000
Which of the following endorsements must be attached to a standard
Businessowners policy for coverage to apply to a businesses freezer that was
damaged by the interruption of a power source - CORRECT ANSWER-Utility
Services - Direct Damage endorsement.
After completing an inspection of an insured's pres

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